Original title: Pelikāns Tuksnesī
Directed by: Viesturs Kairišs
Screenwriter: Viesturs Kairišs
Cinematographer: Gints Bērziņš
Sound Designers: Aleksandrs Vaicahovskis
Producer: Roberts Vinovskis
Produced by: Lokomotīve
Country: Latvia
Production year 2014
Original title: Pelikāns Tuksnesī
Directed by: Viesturs Kairišs
Screenwriter: Viesturs Kairišs
Cinematographer: Gints Bērziņš
Sound Designers: Aleksandrs Vaicahovskis
Producer: Roberts Vinovskis
Produced by: Lokomotīve
Country: Latvia
The basis of the film tells a story of a land. Land – as a universal geographical term and an abstract demiurgic act at the same time. And the life experience of a specific human – the author of the film. The role of this abstract and specific at the same time land this time goes to Latgale. This is a dream about a land that is always close but is impossible to reach.
Released: 2014
Original format length: 68min 24fps
Audio languages: Latvian